MarksvilleandMe reviews
Healing from Incest
Written by
Geri Henderson
Seanne Emerton
This is not the general area I usually hit here on my site. Matter of fact I usually keep this on my other site One Mother's Account of Daily Life or even my Sibling's Separated a true story which I really need to get back to if I ever expect to finish my story or even get it published one day.
There is a long story behind my conception, birth, and finally me being taken away from my bio parents and placed with my forever family who happened to be my bio Uncle and Aunt on my bio paternal father's side who were supposed to have me from day one. Instead they were finally able to hold and keep me when I was 2 weeks old.
I am 10 of 12 because my mother was the kind of women who had twins and gave one away and took one home. From family stories the real number would be 12 of 14. I know we all read or hear the stories but my life was almost snuffed out by this women hours before the police arrived and found me hidden by my older in the woods during a rainstorm the night before. Sure I was in the hospital for weeks with pneumonia but if my sister hadn't done what she did I would not be here today.
And to think I was the lucky one. Out of all of my siblings I am the only one who was not sexually abused by a family member. I am the only one who had a stable family growing up almost from the very beginning. I didn't have sick parents who were abusing their children and having their children abuse each other.
With that years later as I find each of them or they find me their lives have been full of fear, regret, remorse, hatred, and so many other feelings that I just could not understand. Then even though it skipped me it happened in our very own home. I won't say which children or who the aggressor was. We are past those times but still healing. It seems like it will be a lifelong sentence of healing, watching, and hoping it will never happen again.
When a child trusts someone to do the right things they think if someone close to them asks them to do something or does something to them it is OK. I never kept what happened to my siblings quite, my children grew up with age appropriate warnings of what not to do with anyone, and to always come to us for help. Trust is what hurt them, and now we are in the process of trusting again, no so much the person or persons who did this but that all people are not like this. You can reach out, there is help, you can heal.
This book helped out with lots of areas I didn't understand so that I can be there for both my siblings and children. I may be one of the youngest siblings but I still have compassion for what they went through, and love for my children who I never thought would ever have to worry about such tragic events.
This book is not the beat all of all books but it is one of many that are helping our family to heal, while helping me to be able to understand what they have been through.
You can find Healing from Incest on Amazon.
In speaking about Healing from Incest, Susan J. Lewis, Ph.D., J.D., Healing writes: “"Brave, profound, touching, healing. This well-written, honest book takes the reader inside the complexities of the therapeutic healing process from the patient and therapist's unique perspective. It is the story of hard work, hope, commitment and recovery!" Healing from Incest tells the journey of a victim-turned-survivor, working with her therapist to find healing. Readers are pulled into the therapeutic process as Henderson relates her conversations and feelings as a victim of child abuse and Emerton interprets those feelings and describes interventions. For those who recognize this as their own story, this frank and genuine narrative will be reassuring in its descriptions of one woman's journey toward hope and healing. About the front cover: kintsukuroi(n.) (v. phr.) "to repair with gold"; the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken.
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