Some people travel, vacation, or even go on business trips often. When you do these amount of traveling you need great gear to protect your clothes while doing so. Love this set of 2 garment bags and 1 shoe bag.
The garment bags have a nice zipper, rounder shoulders and a see through window so you can see what is inside the bag without having to unzip it. The shoe bag has a draw string so you don't have to worry about your shoes tumbling around with your clothes has you travel.
This set came just in time for a upcoming trip that our family is going to be taking. Can not wait to put them to use. These are also great for storing your suits as well between seasons or after they come back from the cleaners.
What Arwins has to say about their product.
\Thinking how to carry a suit, and extra pair of shoes while you travel?
Are you tired of carrying your garments and branded shoes without
proper protection, sabotaging their smart looks?
How many of you have regretted the idea of storing your suits, pants, shirts and dresses
without protecting it properly?
It is time to say good-bye to all the hazards related to transporting and storing your smart and elegant garments.
Let this set of 2 top quality suit carriers and shoe bag do the job for you!
We proudly offer your stylish suits AND shoes the protection they deserve, and let us tell you why what we offer is superior to the other offers on Amazon.
Why people are buying this bundle package?
✓ Guaranteed best protection
✓ 110 GSM thickness
✓ Nice gold metal corners, for the finished classic look
✓ Metal eyelet for hanger hooks, for convenient folded over carrying
✓ Highly durable and affordable
✓ The complete set to transport and store your clothes and shoes without a hassle
Have you been ever frustrated just because the suit you dry-cleaned and ironed is crumpled and full of dust or eaten by moth? Why take any risk when we offer you a stylish .
solution. This bundle of 2 cloth covers and shoe carrier is a must have if you are a college student, executive, manager, frequent traveller, or just a home maker.
The high quality acid free and breathable material of the storage bags keeps your suits, trousers, tops, shirts, dresses form getting musty and dusty while the FREE waterproof
spacious shoe bags will secure your branded leather footwear from getting damp. Pull the drawstring or zip and eliminate any interaction with harmful elements.
Disclosure: MarksvilleandMe received one or more of the products mentioned above as part of a promotion with Tomoson and Arwins. Regardless, MarksvilleandMe only recommends products or services we use personally and believe will be good for our readers. Some of the links in the article may be “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive compensation. If you would like MarksvilleandMe to review a product or service please contact us at marksvilleandme@gmail.com.
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