Saturday, January 3, 2015

Animal Family Portraits Review

MarksvilleandMe reviews Animal Family Portraits
written by
Becky Lam
Animal Family Portraits written by Becky Lam is a simple book with pictures of animals, that you would probably never see in a photo together. Also great for children to learn new names for animals they may not know. 

Animals are fun for just about anyone, with children being one of their biggest fans. My grand daughter loves to look at the pictures and for me to repeat the names of the animals she doesn't know while she points at them. When she comes to one she know she yells out the name or when she remembers a new name on her own she yells that out too. She gets so excited. Would love to see more pictures of more animals.
You can purchase Animal Family Portraits on Amazon.
You can find out more about Becky Lam here.


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