Friday, December 19, 2014

The List: Shout Out Your Dreams! Review

MarksvilleandMe reviews The List: Shout Out Your Dreams
written by 
Yuval (UV) Abramovitz

Our family has always been known as a family that carries on no matter what is thrown at us. Of course we give that credit to God, he has made us adaptive to what comes our way. I am very optimistic while my husband is more pessimistic so together we make a great couple that helps each other through all sorts of things that come our way. 

We have lived through being homeless with 5 children while I was pregnant with my 6th child. We paid our rent, sadly our landlords didn't pay the mortgage so one day the Sheriff and bank show up and tell us we are being evicted. Not something we planned at all. 

We smiled, kept our children busy while being homeless until almost 3 months later when we were finally able to move into another home big enough for our family, and a home where our family has had much growth. Yes we had our low times, we all do, but it doesn't take long for us to pick ourselves up and move forward. 

I have always been a list maker always making lists of things I want, need, want to give, etc. It wasn't until I was older that I found out I was making lists about my future planning so to speak, but as I grew older, becoming a wife, mother, and contributor to our families lively hood, I realized I wanted more for our family. I have read several book but The List: Shout Out Your Dreams! is the only one that has you make lists and then shout out what you want. 

Besides the shouting I was pretty much onto this way of thinking since the first time I ever made a list but this book really brought it front and center for me. I have even been telling my husband about being more into making our dreams come true. He needs to believe they will happen instead of just saying he will never have so and so, that we both as a couple need to decide what we want for our family so that it will happen. 

Slowly over the last year we have seen big changes, but we are still a work in progress. Thanks to The List: Shout Out Your Dreams! we have even more reason to move forward. 

You can purchase The List: Shout Out Your Dreams! on Amazon.

You can find out more about Yuval (UV) Abramovitz here.

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