Saturday, December 20, 2014

Learning Success Review + Giveaway

I have two daughters with a bit of a delay in learning and this program could not have come at a better time. We had really thought about just pulling the girls out of school to home school, but for now I am going to give this a whirl. They say you should start seeing improvement within 3 months. I am a little over a week into the program. 

At first they start you off with setting up a notebook so that you can keep track of the lessons they will send you. After about a week of getting your book ready and getting used to what you can work into your schedule you will start to receive lessons to download and do with your child.

Don't worry the program teaches you to teach your child so you won't be left wondering what to do. This I like. I have home schooled before, and it went wonderful, so you don't need to know how to home school to take advantage of this program, you can fit in daily lessons around your schedule. 

Some children are able to catch up and be at grade level in about a 3 months and some take longer depending on how far behind they are from their peers. I have two very energetic girls left in our home that want to play after school, and don't always tell me when they have homework. If you are like me with the new Core, you might not even be able to help them with their homework and this makes it frustrating for everyone. 

With Learning Success I am able to help my child in areas that I am able to and the school is left with teaching the Core, which often comes with no directions for the parents to be able to help their child. I did talk to our school and was told about a site that could help me understand the Core, but to be honest the Learning Success system fits better within my time constraints. 

If you are like me, having a busy family then this might be something you would like to try out with your child. The site even has a place where you can test to see if you child might have a learning disability. Awesome I know but remember always check with your Dr. before just assuming your child has a learning disability, it is only a test and something that will need to be followed up on if you believe your child has a learning disability. 

I am looking forward to helping my girls achieve what their hearts desire, and Learning Success is helping me do that. 

What Learning Success has to say bout their program

Is your child having trouble in school?

The learning success program is a simple do-at-home program that will show you how to find the core problems and overcome them. Learning is made up of basic core skills. There are 16 of them in all. Typical learning difficulties are small weaknesses in a combination of two or three of these skills. Helps overcome learning difficulties such as:
  • Dyslexia
Each of these terms simply means that there is a weakness in two or more of these basic learning skills. But it doesn't define which. Once you get started in the course you'll quickly find the trouble spots. Once you do that your child will be on the path to learning success. You will learn simple exercises that strengthen the skills needed for successful learning. Modern scientific breakthroughs have discovered a number of methods for overcoming these problems. Once you do your child will actually enjoy homework.

The normal price for this course is $564

You can find out the currant price here.

You can find out more about Learning Success on:

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