Sunday, August 17, 2014

TruFan Lemonade Stand

#TruFanStand Free Lemonade
sponsored by

I was so glad to be picked to host a #TruFanStand. Above you can see the items they sent me and below a better view of the items.

My kit included:
One Package of Truvia Spoonable
One Package of Truvia Baking Blend
4 pairs of Truvia sun glasses 2 adult and 2 chldrens
Ten Truvia Plastic Cups
One $10.00 Giftly Gift card to purchase other products needed for Lemonade stand.

I used a recipe from Paula Dean which you can find here.
I altered it to incorporate Truvia.
Paual Dean's Lemonade recipe made with Truvia

2/3 cup plus 3 Tablespoons of Truvia
1 cup hot water
2 cups fresh lemon juice
1 gallon cold water

Mix sugar with hot water until dissolved.  Squeeze fresh lemons until you have 2 cups worth, add to sugar water mix. I strained mine through a mesh strainer so no seeds got into the water. Then add cold water until you reach 1 full gallon. Serve over ice, with a sprig of mint. 
We didn't use the mint.

I found this a bit sweet. Sorry Paula I guess us Northern fold like things a bit more tart, but it was delicious, will sure make this again, but with less sugar, might even replace my CountryTime mix.

Above you can see the lemons and decorations I purchased with my gift card.

The sign and table are ready so we were able to open up. Luckily we had our towns community day which meant lots of people to serve Lemonade made from Truvia to. 

I apologize but the sun was bright so everyone looks mean but we were really in a good mood.

I didn't want to put up pictures of the other people who stopped by to get some free lemonade without their permission so I took pictures of my daughters, one of their friends, and me. I really enjoyed using Truvia in our lemonade and was so glad that there was no aftertaste. 

I did bake a cake using the recipe from Truvia  for Chocolate Cupcakes with Truvía® Baking Blend
I used regular chocolate and caramel sauce for the top. Again the cake tasted wonderful. Less Calories without loosing the taste you expect from a cake. Yummy.

You can become a #TruFan

You can find out more about Truvia on:

Disclosure: MarksvilleandMe was provided free products and a gift card to purchase items to host a #TruFan Lemonade Stand, from Truvia and Crowdtap. All opinions are our own. If your company would like me to do a review for your product please contact MarksvilleandMe at


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