Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Kleenex Brand Believer!

Here is one of the new samples I got for being a Kleenex Brand Believer. 

Isn't this the cutest purse pack? Much better then the old ones in my opinion.

Here you can see how it looks when you have it flipped open and so far each time I close it the little stick and close area has worked fine.

I was asked to talk about where in my home you find our Kleenex. 
Below you can see I keep a box near my laptop for those sneezes that sneak up on you. 

I love the purse pack so much I gave my old one to one of my daughters and put the new pack in my purse. 
Even in my purse I can find it easily.

Other places we keep our Kleenes are in the bathroom, pantry, and by my bedside. The kids usually have their own box near them when they have the sniffles. 
We even have a box in our vehicle.
You just never know when you might need one.

I was also asked to give new ideas for the use of both Kleenex tissues and the boxes that some come in.

You may be asking. What can you make with a Tissue Box?

With a few items like scraps of paper, googly eyes, glue, and pipe cleaners you can make a ...

Tissue Box Monster. 
The kids love these when they are sick
Provides a little friendly companion, and if they are old enough something fun to do to pass the time away.

Our kids have used Kleenex boxes for monster feet, boxes to store things in, valentines boxes, and many other neat things.
One thing I am thankful for is imaginative children.

You can find many more ideas over at Pinterest.

Last but not least like I said you just never know when a sneeze may come along...

So glad we had our Kleenex handy. 
Allergy season has really taken it's toll on our family.

Other uses for Kleenex include removing makeup, wiping up small spills, stopping a bloody nose, getting rid of that dead spider you stomped on and we can't forget the wild and crazy things you can do with Kleenex such as...

Yes that is one of my offspring and she is glad to make people laugh with her wild and crazy faces she makes. 

I am sure you could add to the list of things you can do with Kleenex and I would be glad to hear them in the comment section below.

You can find out more about Kleenex at:

Disclaimer: This Sample Kit was provided by Crowdtap & Kleenex for my my honest opinions and ideas.